Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Welcome to GalaAffiliate! We are constantly striving to make this the best Affiliate Program in the Restaurant Equipment and Supply industry. Since blogging is all the rage these days, we've decided to start a blog to keep you abreast of super-deals, changes to the site, and any other information we feel is relevant to our affilates. Our affiliate program is fairly new, so comments/suggestions about what we can do to help YOU make money are encouraged and always appreciated. At, you will find over 350,000 products from an astounding 350 vendors to promote. If you are in the restaurant industry, or you have ties to people in the industry, you have chosen the right program! As you probably already know, but feel it's worth repeating, we offer up to a 7% commission and a 120 day cookie, which is unbelieveable in the industry! With an average order of $850, one sale will earn you a check! So please, log into your account at and lets start making some money!


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